Our Staff
Jane V.Thomas
President and Analytical Chemist
Jane V. Thomas, analytical chemist, founder, and President of Wyoming Analytical Laboratories, Inc., has been working with coal analysis since her first job in the coal laboratory at the Illinois State Geological Survey in 1963. She was a Lecturer in the Department of Mineral Engineering at the University of Wyoming, where she also supervised the analytical laboratories for the Natural Resources Research Institute from 1970 through 1981. She has a BS in chemistry and in biology from Murray State University (1962, Murray, Kentucky) and a master’s degree in chemistry from the University of Wyoming (1971, Laramie, Wyoming). She has been an active participant with ASTM Committee D-5 on Coal and Coke since 1974, serving as secretary for sub-committees dealing with trace element analysis, and chairing task groups working toward accreditation standards, and received the RA Glenn award from D05 in 1996.
Monte Ellis
General Director
Monte L. Ellis, Laboratory Manager, has been with Wyoming Analytical since 1993. He has a degree in electrical engineering from the University of Wyoming (1989, Laramie, Wyoming) specializing in electronics and computer science. He was originally employed to perform both routine maintenance and repair and upgrading services for a wide variety of sophisticated analytical instrumentation and computers, and to actually perform analysis with some of the more complicated instruments. His natural tendency to see the overall situation and sensitive people-handling skills led to his elevation to Laboratory Manager in February of 1998. He is currently directing work for both the Laramie and Rock Springs, Wyoming facilities for WAL, and is an active participant in ASTM Committee D-05 on Coal and Coke.
Chuck Wilson
Charles R. Wilson has been affiliated with WAL since 1984; he has extensive experience in instrumental analysis by SSMS, GDMS, AA and AES, ICP, XRF, and data reduction by computer methods. He has a BS in chemistry from Colorado State University (1972, Fort Collins, Colorado). Chuck is the primary resource within WAL for introduction of new procedures, for computer programming for special projects, and for application of problem-solving techniques. Prior to his affiliation with WAL, he was the Laboratory Manager for the Instrumental Analysis Division of Commercial Testing & Engineering Co. in Golden, Colorado.
Theresa Bangert
Office Manager
Theresa Bangert, Administrative Assistant, is responsible for monitoring progress of samples through the laboratory, from receipt and log-in through calculations and production of the final report and invoice. Her responsibilities include customer relations as well as overseeing the main office in Laramie. Her experience includes volunteer management positions, and computer coursework at Laramie County Community College. She began her career at WAL as a data-entry clerk, and has progressed to managing the office and assisting in monitoring quality assurance.